INTERN South Bend Region Summer CONNECT provides opportunities to learn, engage, and explore in the South Bend Region. Over the summer, interns connect with each other, participate in professional development opportunities, and discover the interesting people and places that make our region a great place to live, work and play.

Note: Upon submission, you will receive a Thank You web page. On this page will be a link to complete a form to register your intern(s) for the Summer CONNECT program.


Company/Manager Information

*Company Name
*Intern Manager's Name
*Phone Number
*Email Address
*How Did You Connect with Your Intern?
 Work and Learn Indiana
 Posting on individual college site
 Career services or educator direct recommendation
 Personal connection or recommendation
If You Said Other, Please Indicate.
*We will encourage our intern(s) to participate in Summer CONNECT programming:
 Option 1 YES we will include scheduled programming as part of their internship experience
 Option 2 As an OPTION we will encourage participation when possible